Global Paratransit Allegedly Provided Employees with Incomplete Wages

According to a recently filed complaint, Global Paratransit, Inc. allegedly failed to record their employees' hours worked accurately, and as a result, employees claim they received inaccurate wage statements and incomplete wages for the time they worked.

The Case: Alejandro Galindo vs. Global Paratransit, Inc.

The Court: Los Angeles County Superior Court of the State of California

The Case No.: 24STCV31314

The Plaintiff: Alejandro Galindo vs. Global Paratransit, Inc.

The plaintiff, Alejandro Galindo, was employed by the defendant in the case from December 21, 2023 to June 28, 2024. As a non-exempt hourly employee, Galindo was entitled to the protections provided by labor law, including meal breaks, rest periods, minimum wage, overtime pay, etc. Galindo filed a class action on behalf of himself and other employees at the company in similar work situations.

The Defendant: Alejandro Galindo vs. Global Paratransit, Inc.

The defendant, Global Paratransit, Inc., provides transport services throughout California. According to the plaintiff, Galindo, Global Paratransit, Inc. violated the California Labor Code. According to the class action complaint, the company allegedly required their workers to complete off-the-clock work by having them work during their "off-duty" meal breaks and requiring completion of mandatory COVID-19 screening tests before clocking in for a shift. Additionally, the plaintiffs claim that the company engaged in a standard practice of rounding the time their employees worked - always to the company's benefit. As a result, employees claim Global Paratransit, Inc. paid workers less than they would have received if they were paid for their actual hours worked.

What to Do If Your Employer Doesn't Record Your Hours Correctly and Pays You Less Than You Earned?

If you suspect that your employer is not recording your hours correctly and, as a result, you're being paid less than what you've earned, you should first gather documentation that supports your claim. Helpful supporting documents include:

  • Timesheets

  • Emails referencing your hours, scheduling, etc.

  • Witness statements that support your claim

It's usually a good idea to discuss your concern with the HR department or your direct supervisor to request clarification; you could see a quick response, including adjusted pay for inaccurately recorded hours. If the problem isn't addressed internally, consult with an employment law attorney. An experienced attorney can help you discuss the process to file a complaint and recover your unpaid wages.

The Case: Alejandro Galindo vs. Global Paratransit, Inc.

The plaintiff filed the case, Alejandro Galindo vs. Global Paratransit, Inc., in California's Los Angeles County Superior Court where it is currently pending.

If you have questions about filing a California wage and hour class action lawsuit, please get in touch with Blumenthal Nordrehaug Bhowmik DeBlouw LLP. Knowledgeable employment law attorneys are ready to assist you in various law firm offices in Riverside, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Chicago.