Woman Claims She Sustained Traumatic Brain Injury from Universal Studios Roller Coaster

In recent news, a couple, Geriann and Richard Clem filed a traumatic brain injury lawsuit against Universal Studios Development Partners, alleging a failure in their duty to safely maintain and operate one of their popular roller coaster rides.

The Case: Geriann and Richard Clem v. Universal Studios Development Partners

The Court: Circuit Court of Ninth Judicial Circuit, Orange County

The Case No.: 192961708

The Plaintiff: Geriann and Richard Clem v. Universal Studios Development Partners

The plaintiffs in the case, the Clems, filed a traumatic brain injury lawsuit after an incident that occurred at the Universal Studios Orlando theme park on February 11, 2023. During their time at the park, the plaintiff, Geriann, rode the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster, which travels at a top speed of 65mph and reaches a height of 167 feet. The roller coaster does not provide head restraints for riders. Geriann claims that her head shook violently and was repeatedly slammed against the headrest throughout the ride.

The Defendant: Geriann and Richard Clem v. Universal Studios Development Partners

The defendant in the case, Universal Studios Development Partners, is the owner/operator of Universal Studios Orlando theme park located at 1000 Universal Studios Plaza, Orlando, Florida, 32819. The plaintiffs allege that Universal Studios negligently operated, maintained, and controlled the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster and breached their duty of care to the plaintiff by failing to provide appropriate head restraints, failing to maintain the roller coaster in safe conditions, failing to correct unreasonably unsafe conditions, failing to provide adequate warning of danger, posting inadequate signs of potential harm outside the ride, and failing to provide proper safety precautions.

The Case: Geriann and Richard Clem v. Universal Studios Development Partners

The plaintiff in the case, Geriann and Richard Clem v. Universal Studios Development Partners, claims she suffered severe and permanent personal injuries and damages including a traumatic brain injury, pain, and suffering, disability, physical impairment, mental anguish, inconvenience, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life in the past, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life in the future; medical, nursing, and rehabilitation expenses in the past, medical nursing, and rehabilitation expenses in the future, lost wages in the past, and the capacity to earn money in the future. Geriann's husband, Richard Clem, also seeks damages for the loss of his wife's support, care, and consortium.

If you have questions about filing a California traumatic brain injury lawsuit, don't hesitate to contact Blumenthal Nordrehaug Bhowmik DeBlouw LLP. Experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys are ready to assist you in various law firm offices in San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Chicago.