California Files Serious Employment Law Allegations Against Disney

California Files Serious Employment Law Allegations Against Disney.jpg

A former African-American Disney employee filed a lawsuit in June 2020 against Disney. The 57-year old California man claims discrimination and harassment, workplace retaliation, and wrongful termination. 

Disney Faces Serious California Employment Law Allegations: 

Douglas Keith Harris, a former California Disney employee, filed a lawsuit against the happiest place on earth. Harris claims he experienced discrimination, harassment, and retaliation due to his veteran status, his age (57 years old), disability, and race (African-American). Harris also claims wrongful termination. Disney allegedly terminated Harris' 32-year career abruptly after one unfounded accusation from a co-worker.  

Plaintiff in California Employment Law Case Seeks Unspecified Amount: 

Harris filed an employment law suit seeking an unspecified amount of compensatory and punitive damages against his former employer out of Los Angeles, California, Disney. According to the lawsuit, Harris's long term career at the company was ended abruptly when Disney fired him after one of his coworkers made a false accusation. 

Can One False Accusation Lead to a Longterm Employee's Termination? 

One of Harris' coworkers at Disney accused him of brandishing a gun at work. Harris, who insists the accusations are false, also claims there was no evidence he actually had a gun at work. Harris' complaint was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. 

A History of Harassment on the Job: Hostile Work Environment 

In Harris' complaint, he describes what many might call a hostile work environment leading up to the eventual allegedly false accusation and termination. Harris claims his younger superiors on the job frequently: 

  • Ridiculed him for being deaf in one ear

  • Encouraged him to retire in a derisive manner that dismissed him due to his age

  • Abused their power over him at work

  • Abruptly changed his schedule to the graveyard shift post-surgery

Employee's Complaints About Harassment and Discrimination Silenced:  

Harris' complaints about the harassment and discrimination were abruptly silenced when his coworker accused him of bringing a gun to work to show a coworker. When he coworker made the allegedly false accusation, Disney did not approach Harris, but notified the local authorities immediately who conducted a thorough search of Harris' car and on-site belongings. No weapons were found. Following Harris' insistence that he did not bring a gun to work, Disney suspended him. Harris claims Disney treated him, a longterm, dedicated employee, like a criminal and that due to their treatment he suffered extreme emotional distress. After one week of suspension, Disney fired him. 

If you have questions about workplace discrimination or if you need to file a wrongful termination lawsuit, please get in touch with Blumenthal Nordrehaug Bhowmik DeBlouw LLP. Experienced employment law attorneys are ready to assist you in any one of various law firm offices located in San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Chicago.